Reproduction of the bandoleer, M1 rifle, 1st type. Six-pocket bandoleer which was issued to line infantrymen of the Army carrying the M1 "Garand" Rifle to carry six 8-rd. clips of ammunition.
This bandoleer is distinguishable from the late WWII bandoleers by lack of the addition of markings to the ends of the bandoleer which gave the caliber and type of .30-06 ammunition and the lot number of the production. Prior to 1943, the bandoleers were unmarked and, instead, had a small slip of paper inserted into the top pocket with the production lot information. Due to loss of the paper and the consequent inability to trace defective ammo back to its source, the Army started printing the information directly onto the bandoleer. The bandoleer is in nearly unissued condition; It does not, however, have the six cardboard inserts into which the 8-round en bloc M1 clip were placed at the arsenal to keep the bullets from rubbing against the fabric of the bandoleer.
Parfait a ce que j'attendais.
Un peu petit pour mes chargeurs mais sinon ça fait le job
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