American Warriors
  • American Warriors

American Warriors - Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers

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American Warriors - Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers Prior to Normandy, is the first volume of a series covering the involvement of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Europe. This series, written in both French and English, is the most complete pictorial coverage ever published. Providing a unique illustrated insight into the operations fought by the famous American paratroopers on their way to liberate the fortress Europe.  Contained in its 211 pages is the first striking pictorial record covering the paratrooper s preparation for Operation Overlord - including their training, their bases and their staging areas. Those days prior to the jump in history have been extremely well represented with over 300 superb, very clear, black & white and a few color period photographs. It also includes many full color close-ups of what is believed to be the largest Airborne memorabilia collection, including many items recovered from the battlefield as well as veterans uniforms and equipment. This book has been rated as "Outstanding" by a renowned European publication and has received wide acclaim by its readers.

Hardback - 211 pages - 342 illustrations.


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