On August 16, 1942, the Army created the first paratrooper divisions, The 101st and the 82nd. They would go on to redefine war strategies from World War II. 80 years ago, military officials weren't so sure the 101st "Screaming Eagles" would find success. However their combat operations turned out to be some of the most crucial in U.S. history — the D-Day invasion of France, and Market-Garden bridge too far. The first commanding general of the 101st, Maj. Gen. William C. Lee, said his men had no history but had a "rendezvous with destiny." Today you have a rendez-vous with history. Orange is the Color of the Day, the pictorial history of the 101st Airborne during the liberation of Holland has 560 pages and over 850 photos.
From the same series, "D-Day Minus", the pictorial history of the 101st in preparation for the invasion of Holland. 208 pages, over 300 pictures on the airfields in England and all new equipment adopted for this operation, in color photos.
“Les 2 livres que j'ai achetés vendredi sont vraiment magnifiques ! Encore un très grand merci pour les 2 pièces uniques qui sont ajoutées à ma collection.” Bob van der Auwera, Belgium
“I went to the remembrance at Heeswijk and it was very beautiful. It's good to remember those who fell for our freedom. I bought your books, and I just finished with watching all those photographs. It's an awesome collection of rare and unseen photos. I want to thank you and Peter for the research and writing. Those book are of great value for the heritage of the war. With my study cultural heritage I want to show the people what the price of our freedom was. I have met the veterans, so it was an amazing day. Thank you for signing the book and for writing it.” Tim Overduin, Nederland
“I want to congratulate the two of you with your fantastic book about the 101st AB Div. on the Market Garden operation. Look forward to the follow up on the 82nd and wish you succes with this one and the work on an 82nd AB book.”Hans den Brok, Netherlands, Troop Carrier Research
“I really enjoyed the meeting last Friday and especially the new books (read/watched most part of them this weekend). Well done, great work.” Antoine, Belgium
“Its a wonderfull book!!! The best ever!!!!!” Theo Hijmans, Holland
“I picked up a copy of both books from the authors at Heeswijk Castle yesterday and I have had difficult times putting them down in the past 24 hours... They are absolutely fantastic and well worth the wait!While some of the pictures have been published before and some are stills from WW2 US Army Signal Corps footage, the vast majority of the photos have never been shown to a large audience and do include a couple of huge surprises... For the first time in my long collecting career have I now seen a photos showing two Converto Dump Jeep trailers in use in the ETO.... And another photographic evidence of an RL35 Reelcart hooked behind a Jeep trailer... And so many more extra-ordinary pictures and details... Yes, these are expensive, but if you have an interest in the September 1944 Holland AB-Operations, these books are must haves...” Johan Willaert, Belgium
“I appreciate that and congratulate you and Peter Hendrixx on a magnificent addition to the preservation of US military history. Phill Lockett, Auckland, New Zealand
"The research certainly sounds exhaustive. Congratulations on getting this monumental work done." Brian A. Williams, USA
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