Poster, Propaganda, NSKK Motorgruppe Luftwaffe, Flemish Volunteers, Brussels
Rare genuine WWII Belgian propaganda poster, intended for recruiting Flemish volunteers in the NSKK Motorgruppe Luftwaffe. Text printed in Dutch, made up of a slogan and followed by the address of the information office in Brussels.
Kameraad aan het stuur!
Meld U bij het
Inlichtingen: Aanwervingsbureel Zuiddreef 97 Brussel
This text appears besides the Flemish nationalist insignia, featuring a black Wolfsangel (wolf's hook) on a yellow shield.
Adopted by the main collaborationnist organizations of Dutch-speaking Belgium, such as the Dietsche Militie and Zwarte Brigade, this distinctive insignia was also worn by Flemish individuals who volunteered in various German paramilitary services, particularly in the NSKK (Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps).
Good overall condition despite a small tear in the upper part.
Dimensions: 24.4in x 32.3in.
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