Rare genuine WWII German photograph showing elements of the ᛋᛋ-Freiwilligen-Legion „Flandern“ on the Eastern Front in July 1942.
The present picture, taken by war correspondent Altstadt, shows a group of five men taking shelter behind an embankment to watch the enemy.
The reverse of the photo bears the stamp of Ersatzkommando Flandern u. Wallonien d. Waffen-ᛋᛋ (Werbestelle Gent), along with the following caption, typewritten in German: In vorderster Linie verschanze warten diesse Männer, um mit Pistole und Handgranaten den Feind zu überrumpeln. ('These men are waiting in the front line to take the enemy by surprise with pistols and hand grenades.')
Original print, in good overall condition.
Dimensions: 5.2in x 7in.
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