Book, Hold The Oak Line, histoire illustrée de la 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade, written by the late author and historian Frédérick Jeanne.
Superb illustrated history of the 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade. Training, D-Day, Hitlerjugend counterattack. Unlike the other operations: Epsom, Windsor, Charnwood, Goodwood, the confrontations following D-Day are not as easy to read. The infantry battalions of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, after having been heavily tested on the beaches, quickly settled on their initial objectives of June 6, the "Oak Line", materialized by the Caen-Bayeux railroad line, while the two German divisions: the SS-Panzergrenadier-Division 12 "Hitlerjugend" and the Panzer-Lehr-division, greatly delayed by the Allied air force, arrived on the front line. These units threw themselves into the battle almost immediately, in almost total confusion and without any knowledge of the forces involved. The 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade held the westernmost part of the Canadian front, at the hinge of the front of the 50th British Division, which had landed on Gold Beach. The front line is very loose, and the roads and sectors controlled are not completely secure. The Germans wanted to send the Allies back to sea, and the Canadians had to hold the Oak Line.
French text only, hardcover, 496 pages.