Jacket, Winter (Tanker), luxe
  • Jacket, Winter (Tanker), luxe
  • Jacket, Winter (Tanker), luxe
  • Jacket, Winter (Tanker), luxe
  • Jacket, Winter (Tanker), luxe
  • Jacket, Winter (Tanker), luxe
  • Jacket, Winter (Tanker), luxe
  • Jacket, Winter (Tanker), luxe
  • Jacket, Winter (Tanker), Luxe
  • Jacket, Winter (Tanker), Luxe
  • Jacket, Winter (Tanker), Luxe

Jacket, Winter (Tanker), Luxe

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High quality reproduction Winter Combat Jackets. Made from olive drab #3 cotton twill and lined with brown kersey wool, this "tanker" jacket has a full-length zipper on the front, knit collar, cuffs and waistband. 
The winter combat jacket was developed in 1941, for issue to crews of armored vehicles. it was nevertheless worn by other combat soldiers, and especially by officers...
Often worn by tank crews and motorcyclists, the tanker jacket and pant or combat jacket and bib (the name "tanker jacket" seems to be the term mostly used) was also widely used by infantry and airborne officers, 504th PIR paratroopers, fighter pilotsNaval Beach Battalions, WAC, Nurses..
The jacket and pant/bib was made of the same material and had the wool blanket type lining.

Although these garments were designed for armored vehicle crews, troops in all branches of the service endeavored to acquire them.

Europe was cold and wet, and this uniform was far superior to the fair-weather M41 Field Jacket. The jackets were particularly popular and many were obtained by "alternative means" by infantrymen, artillerymen and yes, even paratroopers. Thus, it is historically correct for nearly any member of the US Armed Forces to wear Winter Combat Uniforms or components thereof.

Reviews about this product

Based on 2 reviews

  • 5

    Parfait !

  • 5

    J'avais deja' achete' le meme produit en taille XS, et la reproduction de l'original est parfaite.

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