"The Extraordinary Story of First-Aid Packets & First-Aid Dressings during World War II" tells the incredible life from the creation and development of the first First-Aid Packet and Dressing designed for each soldier to administer first aid in case of injury.
Born in 1890, the “First Aid Packet: First Help for Wound” laid the foundations for the Medical Department's philosophy: SAVING LIVES. During World War I, the First-Aid Packet equipped every soldier and was produced in more than 10 million units. The interwar period allowed a continued development of the First-Aid Packet, laying the groundwork for its technical evolution , which continued throughout World War II to meet medical needs and evolving health challenges during this period. Intended for collective use, the First-Aid Dressing also benefited from technological advances and the development of the First-Aid Packet. First-Aid Packets and Dressings were still used during the Korean and Vietnam conflicts and are still part of the basic equipment of American soldiers today.
With more than 300 referenced photos of First-Aid Packets & First-Aid Dressings, this book showcases all the models manufactured for the Medical Department of the U.S. ARMY and the U.S. NAVY. A valuable reference guide, this book will help you create or complete your collection and determine the significance and scarcity of the items you possess or search for.
160 pages, English version.
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