Bottle, Beer, Croft Cream Ale, The Croft Brewing Co.
  • Bottle, Beer, Croft Cream Ale, The Croft Brewing Co.
  • Bottle, Beer, Croft Cream Ale, The Croft Brewing Co.
  • Bottle, Beer, Croft Cream Ale, The Croft Brewing Co.
  • Bottle, Beer, Croft Cream Ale, The Croft Brewing Co.

Bottle, Beer, Croft Cream Ale, The Croft Brewing Co.

Tax included

Genuine WWII US amber glass bottle, which once contained Croft Cream Ale beer.

Brewed by The Croft Brewing Company in Boston, Massachusetts.

Height: 6.7in. Diameter of bottom: 2.5in.

Good overall condition; retains its original label.



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