Statue 101st Airborne, "Screaming Eagle", June 1944. 13.5 inches, made in resin.
On June 5th, 1944, the U.S. 101st Airborne Division prepared for its first combat operation, the airborne invasion of Normandy. The 101st would drop 6,700 soldiers behind enemy lines to disrupt the Germans before the massive allied beach assault on the coast of Normandy. Our impression is portrayed ready to jump, with M42 combat fatigues, a slung M1A1 Thompson sub-machine gun, a M1911 Colt .45 pistol, M36 equipment, musette bag, gas mask, rigger-made pouches, and an accurately detailed T-5 parachute and reserve. Our ‘Screaming Eagle’ sculpt is ‘representational’ of a PIR paratrooper pre-jump on June 5, 1944.
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