Very nice and scarce genuine WWII US Army grouping, made up of an 'Ike Jacket' of the type adopted in April 1944, a standard issue OD flannel shirt, and a rubberized M1936 field bag, which belonged to Private First Class Irving A. Frank, who served with the 78th and 46th Medical Battalions (8th and 4th Armored Divisions).
The jacket retains the following insignia: 8th and 4th Armored Divisions shoulder patches, Private First Class rank stripes, 46th Medical Battalion distinctive unit insignia, 'Ruptured Duck', Distinctive Unit Citation, medal ribbon (Army of Occupation Medal), Meritorious Service Unit Badge, Service Stripe, and Overseas Service Bars. Label is dated June 9, 1944, size 36R. Name Frank has been handwritten in the collar and a full-size Good Conduct Medal is pinned on the flap of the left breast pocket.
The shirt, of the regulation pattern with gas flap (Special), is adorned with 8th Armored Division shoulder sleeve insignia, Private First Class chevrons, one single US collar disc, a medal ribbon (European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with three Stars), as well as the Good Conduct Medal lapel pin badge and Honorable Discharge lapel pin badge. Size 14 1/2 x 32.
The back of the rubberized musette bag features a hand-painted version of the 4th Armored Division insignia. A letter sent to his mother in June 1945 and a newspaper clipping from January 1946 (copies) complete this homogeneous set, in good overall condition.
See details below.
Irving Arnold Frank was born on December 1st, 1925 in New York City in a Polish family and joined the US Army on March 27, 1944 (ASN 42127051). He deployed to Europe with Company C, 78th Medical Battalion, 8th Armored Division prior to transferring to Headquarters Company, 46th Medical Battalion, 4th Armored Division. He passed away on July 29, 2007.
Illustration documents available in digital format only.
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