Crest, DUI, 5th Armored Division, Pinback, GEMSCO N.Y.
  • Crest, DUI, 5th Armored Division, Pinback, GEMSCO N.Y.
  • Crest, DUI, 5th Armored Division, Pinback, GEMSCO N.Y.

Crest, DUI, 5th Armored Division, Pinback, GEMSCO N.Y.

Tax included

Genuine WWII US 4th Armored Division distinctive unit insignia. Pin back in working condition.

Hallmarked GEMSCO N.Y.

Landed at "Utah Beach", driving through Coutances, Avranches and Vitré, Ille-et-Vilaine, and across the Mayenne River to seize the city of Le Mans. The division surrounded the Germans in Normandy by advancing, through Le Mêle-sur-Sarthe", liberated on 11 August, to the edge of the city of Argentan on 12 August—8 days before the Argentan-Falaise Gap was closed. Turning Argentan over to the 90th Infantry Division, the 5th Armored advanced 80 miles to capture the Eure River, Dreux on 16 August and reached the Belgian border at Condé-sur-l'Escaut, 2 September. It liberated Luxembourg City on the 10th and deployed along the German border.
