Nice genuine WWII US Army jacket, of the type chosen by General Eisenhower in April 1944 -- hence the 'Ike Jacket' denomination under which it became popular.
The present jacket retains all its original insignias: 84th Infantry Division shoulder patch, Technician 4th Grade rank stripes, US and Medical Department collar discs, medal ribbons (Good Conduct Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal and WWII Victory Medal), 'Ruptured Duck', Service Stripe and Overseas Service Bars. In perfect condition, this great uniform retains all its original buttons. Size 38R, dated July 26, 1944. Name Theuerkauf, Ernest and service number 39305211 have been inked inside.
Ernest Herman Theuerkauf was born on February 5, 1919 in Portland, Oregon and joined the US Army on January 14, 1942. He went on to serve with the Medical Department in the States and in Europe. He passed away on June 8, 2013.
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